Settings QR params


textEncoded information
radiusRadius point in QR 0,5
ecLevelError correction level "H"(30%), "Q"(25%), "M"(15%), "L"(7%)
fillColor QR code #000000
backgroundBackground color QR #000000, null if transparent
sizeSize QR code 250 = 250x250 px

Template QR params

  "text": "QR generator in Directual",
  "radius": "0.5",
  "ecLevel": "H",
  "fill": "#0064a8",
  "background": null,
  "size": "250"

Web component params

Web component settings parameters inside the Directual constructor. WARNING! Only 1 component can be placed per page

ParamsParametrs to QR code
Visible paramsShow parameter block under QR code
Padding containerPadding the main container 10px, 5px,7px,5px,7px
Background containerBackground main container #0064a8
Background QR frameBackground frame QR code in main container #FFFFFF
Download buttonShow download button
Label button downloadEdit label download button
Header labelShow header label SCAN ME
Header label textEdit header label

Customize component from CSS

Below are the classes\ids for changing the appearance of the constructor, if this is necessary for you. To change the style, create an empty html block and write a new style in the <style></style> tags

#header_qrHeader label SCAN ME
.main_container-mono-QRThe main container in which the components are located
.wrapper-main-mono-QRAdditional container for correct placement of components and header
#qrCodeMonoQRWhite container inside which a QR code is generated
#parametersMonoQRThe block inside which contains the generated QR code parameters in JSON format
#downloadLinkButton to download the QR code